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  • From:Brazil
  • Register:10/29/2008 10:51 PM

Date Posted:09/12/2023 8:56 PMCopy HTML




Obrigada Manuela por autorizar a tradução



Material Aqui


Agradecimentos aos tubers pelos materiais:

Tubes Renee

Mask @nn_140712_mask_123_tdstudio

Selections SelectionMDesign Xantara

Wordart WAMDesign Xantara



Filters Unlimited 2.0

VM1 / Web Weaver

Tile & Mirror / Mirrored & Scaled

Toadies / *Sucking Toad* Bevel II.2...

&<Bkg Kaleidoscope> / Cake Mix

Filter Factory Gallery D / Shoutin'!

Medhi / Wavy Lab

Medhi / Sorting Tiles

AAA  Frames / Photo Frame


Coloque as seleções na pasta "Selections" do Psp


Está usando outras cores e tubes?

Então é possível ter que alterar o blend mode e a opacidade da layer  porque o efeito final pode resultar diferente


Escolha 4 cores de seus tubes


 Aqui foram escolhidas as seguintes cores



Cor 1 #a7afa3 / Cor 2 #447673 / Cor 3 #263c47 / Cor 4 #405b75


Coloque no Foreground a cor 1 e no Background a cor 3


Abra uma imagem de 800 x 500 pixels, Transparente


Effects / Plugins  / Medhi  / Wavy Lab 1.1:

Cores 2, 4, 1 e 3 / Style Linear / 2 / 0 / 0



Layers / Duplicate


Effects / Plugins / Unlimited 2.0 / VM1 / Web Weaver:

209 / 211 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 255 / 88



Effects / Plugins / Unlimited 2.0 / Tile & Mirror / Mirrored & Scaled  Default (como abrir)


Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling / Settings: Stutter Vertical


Mude o blend mode dessa layer para Overlay


Effects / Plugins / Medhi / Sorting Tiles:

Block Range 150-300 / Block 260 / Crossed marcado



Ative a layer de fundo


Effects / Plugins / Unlimited 2.0 / Toadies / *Sucking Toad* Bevel II.2... Default


Selections / Load/Save selection / Load selection from disk

Localize a seleção "SelectionMDesign Xantara"



Effects / Plugins / AAA Frames / Photo Frame:

settings: 15 / 0 / 0 / 5 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 100



Selections / Promote Selection to layer


Selections / Select none


 Effects / Plugins / Unlimited 2.0 / &<Bkg Kaleidoscope> / Cake Mix:

settings: 156 / 60



Obs.: Como pelo unlimited o fundo ficava na cor branca, apliquei o  plugin diretamente pela lista de plugins, onde o fundo fica escuro e  mais próximo ao que obteve a autora do tutorial




Layers / New raster layer


 Selections / Load/Save selection / Load selection from disk

Localize a seleção "SelectionMDesign Xantara CIRCEL"



Pinte a seleção com a cor 1


Selections / Select none


Effects / Plugins / Unlimited 2.0 / Filter Factory Gallery D / Shoutin'!  Default


Effects / 3D effects / Drop shadow: 1 / 1 / 50 / 10 - preto


Repita com -1 / -1 / 50 / 10 - preto


Mude o blend mode dessa layer para Overlay


Effects / Texture effects / Blinds:

2 / 50 - Cor 3 - Horizontal e Light from left/top marcados



Layers / New raster layer - Pinte a layer com a cor 3


Abra a mask "@nn_140712_mask_123_tdstudio

minimize no Psp

Layers / New Mask Layer / From Image

Aplique a mask @nn_140712_mask_123_tdstudio



Layers / Merge / Merge Group


Effects / 3D effects / Drop shadow: 5 / 5 / 50 / 10 - preto


Repita com -5 / -5 / 50 / 10 - preto


Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance


Mude o blend mode dessa layer para Dodge


 Layers  / Arrange / Bring to top


Layers / New raster layer


Selections / Load/Save selection / Load selection from disk

Aplique novamente a seleção "SelectionMDesign Xantara CIRCEL"


Selections / Modify / Contract em 28


 Abra o tube Renee-TUBES-Juin17 / ou o  tube de sua escolha


Image / Resize em 80% - resize all layers desmarcado


Repita o Resize 4 vezes


(Verifique se o tube fica com as dimensões: 251 x 247 px)


Edit / Copy – Edit / Paste into selection


 Effects / 3D effects / Drop shadow: 10 / 10 / 50 / 10 - preto


Repita com -10 / -10 / 50 / 10 - preto


Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen


Selections / Select none


Layers / Arrange / Move Down


Ative a layer do topo


Abra o tube "frame"


Edit / Copy – Edit / Paste as new layer


Effects / Image Effects / Offset:

Horizontal offset -204 / Vertical offset 0 / Custom e Transparent  marcados


Ative a varinha mágica.

Tolerance e Feather em 0 e clique dentro da  Frame


Selections / Modify / Expand em 5


Effects / 3D effects / Cutout:

Horizontal e Vertical 20 / Opacity 100 / Blur 50



Repita com horizontal e vertical com -20


Layers / New raster layer


Abra o tube woman Renee-TUBES-Juin18 / ou o de sua escolha


Edit / Copy – Edit / Paste into selection


Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen


Selections / Select none


Effects / 3D effects / Drop shadow: 10 / 10 / 50 / 10 - preto


Repita com -10 / -10 / 50 / 10 - preto


Layers / Arrange / Move Down


Ative a layer do topo


Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen


 Effects / 3D effects / Drop shadow: 0 / 0 / 50 / 10 - preto


Repita o drop shadow


Abra o tube woman Renee-TUBES-Juin18 / ou o de sua escolha


Edit / Copy – Edit / Paste as new layer


Dê Resize se necessário


 Mova para a direita


Effects / 3D effects / Drop shadow: 10 / 10 / 50 / 10 - preto


Repita com -10 / -10 / 50 / 10 - preto


Image / Add borders / symmetric:


10 pixels na cor 3


Effects /  3D / Inner Bevel:

 Bevel 10 / Width 5 / Evenness 2 / Depth 15 / Ambience 4 /

Glitter 5 / Color White / Angle 315 / Intensity 50 / Elevation 30



Image / Add borders / symmetric:


35 pixels na cor preta


10 pixel na cor 3


Abra o tube WAMDesign Xantara


Edit / Copy – Edit / Paste as new layer


Objects / Align / Bottom


Layers / New raster layer




Layers / Merge / Merge All Layers




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