Tutorial 288 ![](https://images2.imgbox.com/c0/a4/3VpScNxN_o.jpg)
Obrigada VaZsu por autorizar a tradução ![](https://images2.imgbox.com/b6/ac/EJdiiRvj_o.jpg) Material Aqui 1. Abra o "Watercolor Background" Effects / Plugins / Mehdi / Sorting Tiles: Block Range 300-500 / Block 500 / Mosaic marcado ![](https://images2.imgbox.com/30/f1/EPMWqu8x_o.jpg)
2. Effects / Plugins / Simple / Quick Tiles 3. Effects / Plugins / Filters Unlimited / Simple / Top Left Mirror 4. Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance More 5. Abra a "Vazsu Selection" e com a varinha mágica selecione as partes brancas Selections / Load/save selection / Save selection to Alpha Channel Clique em Save ![](https://images2.imgbox.com/18/b0/H0imCeT0_o.jpg)
Minimize a seleção no Psp 6. Selections / Load/save selection / Load selection from Alpha Channel Aplique a seleção 7. Selections / Promote selection to layer Selections / select none 8. Effects / Geometric effects / Skew: Vertical / 45 / Transparent marcado ![](https://images2.imgbox.com/d3/69/i9UgLfQP_o.jpg)
Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow: 0 / 0 / 100 / 50,00 - cor #d57683 9. Abra o "Vazsu Decor 1" - Edit / copy Edit / paste as new layer na imagem Effects / Image effects / Offset: 0 / -47 / Custom e Transparent marcados ![](https://images2.imgbox.com/c3/5e/Pm4NtWW5_o.jpg)
10. Abra o tube "Roses" - Edit / copy Edit / paste as new layer na imagem Image / Free Rotate / Left / 45 ![](https://images2.imgbox.com/bc/01/dgYzt7VO_o.jpg)
Effects / Image effects / Offset: -215 / 30 / Custom e Transparent marcados ![](https://images2.imgbox.com/5a/4e/Z3ZGZmss_o.jpg)
12. Abra o tube "Pink Pearls" - Edit / copy Edit / paste as new layer na imagem Image / Resize / 90%, resize all layers desmarcado Effects / Image effects / Offset: -265 / 90 / Custom e Transparent marcados ![](https://images2.imgbox.com/6b/a8/9qWQ88pv_o.jpg)
13. Abra o "Vazsu Decor 2" - Edit / copy Edit / paste as new layer na imagem Effects / Image effects / Offset: 417 / 143 / Custom e Transparent marcados ![](https://images2.imgbox.com/f0/ca/h6q7YNfU_o.jpg)
14. Abra o tube "Small Pink Pearl" - Edit / copy Edit / paste as new layer na imagem Duplique 4 vezes e coloque na imagem, como mostro: ![](https://images2.imgbox.com/b5/1b/nOlf0jBq_o.jpg)
15. Abra o "Subtitle" - Edit / copy Edit / paste as new layer na imagem Effects / Image effects / Offset: -275 / -248 / Custom e Transparent marcados ![](https://images2.imgbox.com/4e/de/b3YT7mCx_o.jpg)
16. Image / Add borders / 1 px na cor preta Edit / copy 17. Abra a "Base Image" Selections / select all Selections / modify / contract 55 px 18. Edit / paste into selection Selections / select none 19. Abra o "Smart Tube" - apague a marca dágua Edit / copy Edit / paste as new layer na imagem Image / mirror Posicione como na imagem final Effects / 3D Drop Shadow: 0 / 0 / 50 / 50,00 - cor preta 20. Assine e salve como Jpeg. https://vazsupsptutorials.weebly.com/vazsu-tutorial-288.html