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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:Brazil
  • Register:10/29/2008 10:51 PM

Date Posted:11/08/2021 1:23 AMCopy HTML


Magnificent Blue



Obrigada Manuela por autorizar a tradução



Material Aqui



Agradecimentos aos Tubers pelos materiais:


Tube Mary 0612-8

Masks masque70-noisette


Selections SelectionMDesign Magnificent Blue

Wordart WAMDesign Magnificent Blue

Deco 2 - 10 by psp Stuff by Marja




Filters Unlimited 2.0

VM1 - Web Weaver

Medhi - Wavy Lab 1.1

Mehdi - Sorting Tiles - Color Dot

AP 01 (Innovations) – Lines_SilverLining

Tramages – Tow The Line

AAA Frames - Photo Frame

Flaming Pear - Flood

FM Tile Tools - Blend Emboss


Coloque as seleções na pasta "Selections"


Está usando outras cores e tubes?

Então é possível ter que alterar o blend mode e a opacidade da layer  porque o efeito final pode resultar diferente



Escolha 3 cores de seus tubes


Aqui foram usadas as seguintes cores




Cor 1 #ffffff / Cor 2 #133859 / Cor 3 #63a19f


Coloque no Foreground a cor 1 e no Background a cor 3


Abra uma imagem de 800 x 500 pixels transparente


Effects / Plugins / Medhi / Wavy Lab 1.1:

Style Linear / 3 / 0 / 0 / Cores 3, 3, 2, 1 / Mode Normal



Effects / Plugins / Mehdi / Sorting Tiles


Block range 300-500 / Block 500 / Plus marcado



Selections / Load/Save Selection / Load Selection from Disk

Aplique a seleção "SelectionMDesign Magnificent Blue"



Selections / Promote Selection to layer


Selections / Select none


 Effects / Plugins / / Color Dot:

90 / 2 / 255 / 255 / 255


Effects / 3D effects / Drop shadow: 5 / 5 / 50 / 10 - preto


Repita com -5 / -5 / 50 / 10 - preto


Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling / Default


Layers / New Raster Layer


Selections / Load/Save Selection / Load Selection from Disk

Aplique a seleção "SelectionMDesign Magnificent Blue 1"



Pinte a seleção com a cor 1


Effects / Plugins / AP 01 (Innovations) / Lines_SilverLining:

Dotty Grid / o restante sem alterações



Selections / Select none


Effects / 3D effects / Drop shadow: 5 / 5 / 50 / 10 - preto


Repita com -5 / -5 / 50 / 10 - preto


 Mude o blend mode da layer para dodge e baixe a opacidade para 50


Layers / New Raster Layer


Pinte a layer com a cor 3


 Abra a mask "masque70-noisette" e  minimize no Psp


Layers / New Mask Layer / From Image

Aplique a masque70-noisette



Layers / Merge / Merge Group


 Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen


 Effects / 3D effects / Drop shadow: 5 / 5 / 50 / 10 - preto


Repita com -5 / -5 / 50 / 10 - preto


Mude o blend mode da layer para Overlay e baixe a opacidade para 50


Effects / Plugins / Tramages / Tow The Line / Default


 Layers / Merge / Merge Visible Layers


Layers / Duplicate


Image / Resize em 90% - resize all layers desmarcado


Effects / Plugins / Unlimited 2.0 / VM1 / Web Weaver:

180  / 140 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 50 / 65



Mude o blend mode da layer para Multiply, baixe a opacidade para 60


Effects / 3D effects / Drop shadow: 10 / 10 / 50 / 10 - preto


Repita com -10 / -10 / 50 / 10 - preto


Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling / Default


 Layers / New Raster Layer


Pinte a layer com a cor 1


 Abra a mask "Mask Narah_mask_Abstract63"  e minimze no Psp


Layers / New Mask Layer / From Image

Aplique a mask Narah_mask_Abstract63



Layers / Merge / Merge Group


 Effects / 3D effects / Drop shadow: 5 / 5 / 50 / 10 - preto


Repita com -5 / -5 / 50 / 10 - preto


Mude o blend mode da layer para Overlay


Layers / New Raster Layer


Selections / Load/Save Selection / Load Selection from Disk

Aplique a seleção "SelectionMDesign Magnificent Blue 2"



Pinte a seleção com a cor 3


Selections / Modify / Contract em 5


Effects / Plugins / AAA Frames / Photo Frame:

10 / 0 / 0 / 10 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 100



Selections / Modify / Contract em 25


 Abra do material o tube feminino / ou o de sua escolha


Edit / Copy – Edit / Paste as New Layer


Image / Resize em 80%, resize all layers desmarcado


Dependendo do tube


Mova parte do Tube para dentro da seleção


Selections / Invert


Aperte a tecla Delete


Selections / Select none


Layers / merge / merge down


Effects / 3D effects / Drop shadow: 5 / 5 / 50 / 10 - preto


Repita com -5 / -5 / 50 / 10 - preto


Layers / Duplicate


Image / Resize em 80% - resize all layers desmarcado


Effects / Image Effects / Offset:

Horizontal 170 / Vertical -135 / Custom e Transparent marcados


Ative a segunda layer de baixo para cima (Group - Raster 1)


Layers / New Raster Layer


 Selections / Load/Save Selection / Load Selection from Disk

Aplique a seleção "SelectionMDesign Magnificent Blue 3"



Abra o tube feminino / ou o de sua escolha


Edit / Copy – Edit / Paste into Selection


Selections / Select none


Baixe a opacidade da layer para 85


Ative a layer abaixo (Group - Raster 1)


Selections / Load/Save Selection / Load Selection from Disk

Aplique a seleção "SelectionMDesign Magnificent Blue 4"



Selections / Promote Selection to layer


Effects / Plugins / AAA Frames / Photo Frame:

25 / 0 / 0 / 10 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 100



Selections / Select none


Effects / 3D effects / Drop shadow: 5 / 5 / 50 / 10 - preto


Repita com -5 / -5 / 50 / 10 - preto


Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling / Settings: Side by Side


  Effects / Plugins / Flaming Pear / Flood:

80 / 15 / 50 / 50 / 50 / 51 / 10 / 10 / 45 / 50 / 40 / Glue Normal



Effects / Plugins / FM Tile Tools / Blend Emboss


Mude o blend mode da layer para Luminance e baixe a opacidade para 40


Ative a layer acima (Raster 2)


Abra o tube 2


Edit / Copy – Edit / Paste as New Layer


Mude o blend mode para Overlay


Effects / 3D effects / Drop shadow: 10 / 10 / 50 / 10 - preto


Repita com -10 / -10 / 50 / 10 - preto


Effects / Plugins / FM Tile Tools / Blend Emboss


 Ative a layer do topo (Copy of Raster 1)


 Layers / Merge / Merge Visible Layers


 Layers / New Raster Layer


Selections / Select all


Selections / Modify / Select Selection Borders:

Inside / Border 20 / Anti-alias marcado



Pinte a seleção com a cor 3


Selections / Select none


Effects / 3D Effects / CutOut


Vertical / Horizontal 50 / Opacity 70 / Fade 10 / Shadow color preto


Repita com -50



Abra o tube 10 (psp Stuff by Marja)


Edit / Copy – Edit / Paste as New Layer


Image / Mirror


Effects / Image Effects / Offset:

Horizontal -280 / Vertical 204 / Custom e Transparent marcados


Layers / Duplicate


Image / Mirror


Image / Flip


Layers / merge / merge down


Effects / 3D effects / Drop shadow: 5 / 5 / 50 / 10 - preto


Repita com -5 / -5 / 50 / 10 - preto


Abra o tube WAMDesign Magnificent Blue


Edit / Copy – Edit / Paste as New Layer


Posicione como no modelo final


Image / Add Borders / symmetric:


4 pixels na cor 3


30 pixels na cor 1


10 pixels na cor 3




Layers / New Raster Layer




Layers / Merge / Merge All Layers


Salve como JPEG




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