Tutorial 301 
Obrigada VaZsu por autorizar a tradução  Material Aqui Coloque no foreground a cor #80505b e no background a cor #efd6ea Abra uma imagem de 1200 x 750 pixels 1. Effects / Plugins / Mehdi / Wavy Lab: Style Radial / 2 / 125 / 0 
2. Effect / Plugins / Filters Unlimited / Toadies / Weaver: 150 / 65 / 255 
3. Effects / Plugins / Mehdi / Sorting Tiles: Block Range 300-500 / Block 500 / Plus marcado 
4. Ative a ferramenta Selection / custom selection: Top 115 / Left 112 / Right 1075 / Bottom 578 
Selection / Promote selection to layer 5. Edit / copy 6. Abra uma nova imagem de 1200 x 750 px Edit / paste as new layer Selections / all Selections / float 7. Image / crop to selection 8. Image / Add borders / 1 px na cor branca Edit / copy 9. Volte à imagem principal - Tire a seleção Edit / paste as new layer Delete a layer do meio (promoted selection) Ative a layer do topo Image / mirror 10. Ative a layer de fundo Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance 11. Ative a layer do topo Effects / 3D Drop shadow: 0 / 0 / 70 / 40,00 - preto 12. Abra o tube "Spring flower" / Edit / copy Edit / paste as new layer na imagem Effects / Image effects / Offset: 207 / 0 / Custom e transparent marcados 
Baixe a opacidade para 60 13. Abra o "Line decor" - Edit / copy Edit / paste as new layer na imagem Effects / Geometric effects / Skew: Horizontal / 30 / Transparent marcado 
14. Abaixe a opacidade da layer para 50 Effects / Image effects / Offset: 295 / 0 / Custom e transparent marcados 
15. Layers / new raster layer - Pinte de branco Abra a "Vazsu Mask" e minimize no Psp 16. Layers / new mask layer / from image Aplique a Vazsu mask com Invert mask data marcado 
Layers / merge group 17. Abra a "Vazsu Image Frame" - Edit / copy Edit / paste as new layer na imagem Effects / Image effects / Offset: 320 / 114 / Custom e transparent marcados 
Effects / 3D Drop shadow: 0 / 0 / 80 / 30,00 - preto 18. Abra o "SmArt tube 2" - Edit / copy Edit / paste as new layer na imagem Image / Resize 83%, resize all layers desmarcado Effects / Image effects / Offset: 319 / 105 / Custom e transparent marcados 
19. Abra o "Subtitle" - Edit / copy Edit / paste as new layer na imagem Effects / Image effects / Offset: 200 / -254 / Custom e transparent marcados 
20. Abra o "Buttom Decor 1" - Edit / copy Edit / paste as new layer na imagem Effects / Image effects / Offset: 182 / 246 / Custom e transparent marcados 
21. Abra o "Buttom Decor 2" - Edit / copy Edit / paste as new layer na imagem Effects / Image effects / Offset: 540 / 90 / Custom e transparent marcados 
22. Abra o "Little button" - Edit copy Edit / paste as new layer na imagem Duplique e posicione na imagem, onde mostro 
23. Image / Add borders / 1 px na cor #885a65 Edit / copy 24. Abra a "Base Image" Selections all Selections / Modify / Contract 65 25. Edit / Paste into selection 26. Effects / 3D Drop shadow: 0 / 0 / 70 / 20,00 - preto Selections / select none 27. Abra o "smArt Tube 1059" - apague a marca dágua Edit / copy Edit / paste as new layer na imagem Image / Resize / 117%, resize all layers desmarcado Posicione na base à esquerda, como no modelo final Effects / 3D Drop shadow: 0 / 15 / 40 / 30,00 - preto 28. Assine e salve como Jpeg. https://vazsupsptutorials.weebly.com/vazsu-tutorial-301.html |