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  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:1520
  • Posts:1520
  • From:Brazil
  • Register:10/29/2008 10:51 PM

Date Posted:01/28/2020 12:58 AMCopy HTML



Tutorial 293



Obrigada VaZsu por autorizar a tradução



Material Aqui


1. Abra o "Watercolor background"


Effects / Plugins / Filters Unlimited / Bkg Designer sf10 II/

Hinzeberg's mirror 1: 255



2. Layers / duplicate

Permaneça na layer do topo

Effects / Plugins / Filters Unlimited / Simple / Top Left Mirror

Baixe a opacidade da layer para 50%

Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance  (aplique nas 2 layers)

Ative a layer do topo

Layers / merge visible


3. Layers / duplicate novamente
Effects / Plugins / Filters Unlimited / Simple / Centre Tile


4. Ative a ferramenta Selection / Custom selection:

Top 495 / Left 0 / Right 1200 / Bottom 630



Selections / Promote selection to layer

Selections / select none


5. Tire a  visibilidade da layer do meio. Permaneça na layer do topo

Effects / Image effects / Offset:

0 / 187 / Custom e Transparent marcados



6. Ative a ferramenta Selection / Custom selection:

Top 343 / Left 0 / Right 1200 / Bottom 410



Selections / Promote selection to layer

Effects / Plugins / Ap Lines / Silverlining / Horizontal:

10  / -1 / 10 / 0 / 219 / 255



Selections / select none

7. Effects / 3D Drop Shadow: 0 / 0 / 70 / 30,00 - cor preta


8. Layers / new raster layer

Selections / select all

Abra o tube  "Wave 1" - Edit / copy

Edit / paste into selection na imagem

Selections / select none

Effects / Image effects / offset:

0 / -50 / Custom e Transparent marcados



Ative a ferramenta Pick ou Deform (Mode Scale) e dê uma reduzida pelo topo e base da imagem (Vai estreitá-la), assim:



9. Abra o tube "Wave 2" - Edit / copy

Edit / paste as new layer na imagem

Effects / Image effects / offset:

-43 / 0 / Custom e Transparent marcados



10. Abra o tube "Text" - Edit / copy

Edit / paste as new layer na imagem

Effects / Image effects / Offset:

-250 / 20 / Custom e Transparent marcados



11. Abra o tube "Ocean" - Edit / copy

Edit / paste as new layer na imagem

Image / Resize / 90%, resize all layers desmarcado

Effects / Image effects / Offset:

-90 / -20 / Custom e Transparent marcados



12. Abra o tube "Ocean Sun" - Edit / copy

Edit / paste as new layer na imagem

Image / Resize / 90%, resize all layers desmarcado

Effects / Image effects / Offset:

-90 / 128 / Custom e Transparent marcados



13. Abra o "Vazsu Decor" - Edit / copy

Edit / paste as new layer na imagem

Image / Resize 87%, resize all layers desmarcado

Effects / Image effects / Offset:

-520 / 255 / Custom e Transparent marcados



Layers / duplicate

Effects / Image effects / Offset:

0 / -476 / Custom e Transparent marcados



14. Abra o tube "Lines" - Edit / copy

Edit / paste as new layer na imagem

Effects / Image effects / Offset:

-462 / 8 / Custom e Transparent marcados



15. Abra o "Subtitle Yellow" - Edit / copy

Edit / paste as new layer na imagem

Effects / Image effects / Offset:

-135 / -244 / Custom e Transparent marcados



16. Abra o "Subtitle Black" - Edit / copy

Edit / paste as new layer na imagem

Effects / Image effects / Offset:

-8 / -210 / Custom e Transparent marcados



17. Image / add borders / 1 pixel na cor preta



18. Abra uma nova imagem de 1200 x 750 pixels e pinte de branco

Selections / select all

Selections / Modify / Contract / 7 pixels


19. Selection / Modify / Select Selection Borders:

Inside / 1  pixel / anti-alias marcado



Pinte dentro  da seleção com a cor #54b1c2


20. Selection / Select all
Selection / Modify / Contract / 50 pixels


21. Selection / Modify / Select Selection Borders:

Inside / 4 pixel / anti-alias marcado



Pinte dentro  da seleção com a cor #54b1c2


22. Selection / Select All
Selection / Modify / Contract 65


23. Dê Edit / copy na imagem minimizada no ítem 17

Edit / paste  into selection na base branca

Selections /  select none


24. Abra o "smArt_1014 Tube" - Apague a marca dágua - Edit / copy

Edit / paste  as new layer na imagem

Image / Resize 104%, resize all layers desmarcado

Posicione na  base e à esquerda, como no modelo final

Effects / 3D Drop Shadow: 10 / 10 / 45 / 25,00 - cor preta


25. Assine e  Salve como Jpeg.



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