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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:Brazil
  • Register:10/29/2008 10:51 PM

Date Posted:10/18/2021 12:54 AMCopy HTML



Beautiful Autumn



Obrigada Manuela por autorizar a tradução




Material Aqui



Agredecimentos aos criadores dos tubes e materiais




Masks mask edith 94

 Monaiekje mask 35 1

 Ildiko_Desings_Created@Mask_r9 (6)

Selections SelectionMDesign Beautiful Autumn

Expiration ESAutumn07

Wordart MDesign Beautiful Autumn





Tramages / Tow The Line

MuRa Seamless / Sharpen

Graphic Plus / Cross Shadow

ScreenWorks / Pin Hole

AAA Frames / Photo Frame / Photo Frame


Coloque o Gradiente e as Seleções nas respectivas pastas do Psp


Está usando outras cores e tubes?

Então é possível alterar o blend mode e a opacidade da layer para que os  efeitos não resultem diferentes daqueles que aparecem no tutorial



Escolha 4 cores de seus tubes


Neste tutorial foram escolhidas as cores:




Cor 1 #fbb85a / Cor 2 #952a16 / Cor 3 #d88036 / Cor 4 #633b21


Coloque no Foreground o Gradiente ESAutumn07 e no Background a cor 4


Configure o Gradiente em Style Linear / Angle 0 / Repeats 0


Abra uma imagem de 800 x 500 pixels Transparente

Pinte a imagem com o gradiente


Layers / New Raster Layer


Selections / Select all


Abra o tube mentali-misted1684/ou o tube de sua escolha


Edit / Copy – Edit / Paste into Selection


Selections / Select none


 Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling / Default


Adjust / Blur / Gaussian Blur / Radius 10


Abra a Mask mask edith 94 no Psp e a minimize


Layers / New Mask Layer / From Image

Aplique a mask edith 94 e marque a opção "Invert Mask data"



Layers / Merge / Merge Group


Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen


Layers / Duplicate


Ative a Layer abaixo (Group - Raster 2)


Effects / Plugins / Tramages / Tow The Line / Default


 Effects / 3D effects  / Drop shadow: 10 / 10 / 50 / 10 - preto


Repita com -10 / -10 / 50 / 10 - preto


Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen


 Ative a layer do topo (Copy of Group - Raster 2)


Effects / 3D effects  / Drop shadow: 10 / 10 / 50 / 10 - preto


Repita com -10 / -10 / 50 / 10 - preto


Layers / New Raster Layer


 Pinte a layer com a cor 4


Abra a Mask Monaiekje mask 35 1 e minimize no Psp


Layers / New Mask Layer / From Image

Aplique a mask Monaiekje mask 35 1 e desmarque a opção "Invert mask data"



Layers / Merge / Merge Group


Selections / Load/Save Selection / Load Selection from Disk

Aplique a seleção "SelectionMDesign Beautiful Autumn"



Abra novamente o tube mentali-misted1684/ou o de sua escolha


Edit / Copy – Edit / Paste as New Layer


 Selections / Invert


Aperte a tecla Delete uma vez


Selections / Invert


 Selections / Modify / Select Selection Borders:

Both sides / Edge width 1 /Anti alias marcado



Layers / New Raster Layer


Pinte a seleção com a cor branca


Selections / Select none


 Layers / merge / merge down


 Effects / 3D effects / Drop shadow: -10 / -10 / 50 / 10 - preto


Layers / New Raster Layer


Selections / Load/Save Selection / Load Selection from Disk

Aplique a seleção "SelectionMDesign Beautiful Autumn 1"



Abra o tube mentali-misted1684/ ou o de sua escolha


Edit / Copy – Edit / Paste into Selection


Selections / Select none


Layers / Arrange / Move Down


Repita o Move Down


Effects / Plugins / MuRa Seamless / Sharpen: 185




Ative a layer acima (Group - Raster 2)


Effects / 3D effects / Drop shadow: 5 / 5 / 50 / 5 -preto


Repita com  -5 / -5 / 50 / 5 - preto


Ative a layer do topo (Raster 2)


 Layers / merge / merge down


Repita o Merge down


Layers / New Raster Layer


Pinte a layer com a cor 3


Abra a Mask Ildiko_Desings_Created@Mask_r9 (6) e minimizeno Psp


Layers / New Mask Layer / From Image

Aplique a mask Ildiko_Desings_Created@Mask_r9 (6)



Layers / Merge / Merge Group


 Effects / Plugins / Graphic Plus / Cross Shadow / Default


Repita o Graphic Plus


 Effects / Distortion Effects / Wave:

0 / 100 / 6 / 100 / Transparent



Effects / Texture Effects / Blinds:

2 / 100 / cor Black / Light from left/top marcado



Layers / Arrange / Move Down


Repita o Move down


Mude o blend mode da layer para Multiply


 Effects / Plugins / ScreenWorks / Pin Hole


 Effects / 3D effects / Drop shadow: 0 / 0 / 50 / 5 - preto


Repita o drop shadow


Ative a layer do topo (Raster 3)


 Abra o tube da  Árvore (Tree)


Edit / Copy – Edit / Paste as New Layer


 Effects / Image Effects / Offset:

Horizontal -188 / Vertical -11 / Custom e Transparent marcados


Mude o blend mode da layer para Dodge


 Effects  / 3D effects / Drop shadow: 10 / 10 / 50 / 10 - preto


Repita com -10 / -10 / 50 / 10 - preto


Abra o tube 1f5791f1


Edit / Copy – Edit / Paste as New Layer


Effects / Image Effects / Offset:

Horizontal 209 / Vertical 50 / Custom e Transparent marcado


 Mude o blend mode da layer para Dodge


Effects / 3D effects / Drop shadow: 10 / 10 / 50 / 10 - preto


Repita com -10 / -10 / 50 / 10 - preto


Abra o tube Buttons


Edit / Copy – Edit / Paste as New Layer


Effects / Image Effects  / Offset:

Horizontal 12 / Vertical -99 / Custom e Transparent marcados


Effects / 3D effects / Drop shadow: 5 / 5 / 50 / 10 - preto


Repita com -5 / -5/ 50 / 10 - preto


 Abra o tube Text


Edit / Copy – Edit / Paste as New Layer


Não mova


Effects / 3D effects / Drop shadow: 10 / 10 / 50 / 10 - preto


Abra o tube feminino / ou o de sua escolha


Edit / Copy – Edit / Paste as New Layer


Resize, se necessário


Effects / 3D effects / Drop shadow: 10 / 10 / 50 / 10 - preto


Abra o tube WAMDesign Beautiful Autumn


Edit / Copy – Edit / Paste as New Layer


Mova para a direita (veja modelo final)


Image / Add Borders / symmetric:


4 pixels com a cor 4


30 pixels com a cor branca


4 pixels com a cor 4


 Selections  / Select all


Selections / Modify / Contract / 38


 Effects / Plugins / AAA Frames / Photo Frame:

5 / 0 / 0 / 2 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 100



Selections / Select none


 Layers / New Raster Layer




Layers / Merge / Merge All Layers



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