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Assinaturaspspforum > Pos Aperfeicoamento - Traduções Autorizadas > Tutoriais Mieke Go to subcategory:
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  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:1474
  • Posts:1474
  • From:Brazil
  • Register:10/29/2008 10:51 PM

Date Posted:11/18/2018 8:02 PMCopy HTML


Les  223



Obrigada Mieke por  autorizar a tradução



Material Aqui



Mehdi / Sorting  Tiles
Filter <I C Net Software> Filters Unlimited 2.0> /  Simple
Filter /Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact/Glass/Clear
Filter/<I C  Net Software> Filters Unlimited 2.0>/Paper Textures

Coloque no  foreground a cor #46111b e no background a cor #e4c73f.

Forme o gradiente  Style Radial / Angle 52 / Repeat 2 / Invert desmarcado / Center point 50 /  50



1. Abra uma imagem de 900  X 550 pixels transparente.

2. Pinte a imagem com o gradiente.

3. Effects / Plugins / Mehdi  / Sorting Tiles: Block Range 300 -500 / Block 500 / Plus marcado

4. Effects / Plugins / <I C Net Software> Filters  Unlimited 2.0> / Simple / Blintz

5. Repita o plugin  Unilimited 2.0

6. Effects / Edge  effects / Enhance more.

7. Selections /  Load/save selection / Load selection from disc - aplique a 
seleção sel --- mb  --- 1 --- 223


8. Selections / Promote  selection layer

9. Effects / Texture  effects / Weave: 4 / 6 / 50 / cor branca / cor 

branca / Fill gaps  marcado.

10. Selections / Select none

11. Effects / Image  effects / Seamless tiling:
Mirror / Horizontal / 45 / x / 100 /  90.

12. Mude o blend mode  dessa layer para Overlay e baixe a opacidade para  55.

13. Layers /  Duplicate

14. Image /  Mirror

15. Layers / Merge /  Merge down.

16. Layers /  Duplicate

17. Image /  Flip

18. Layers / Merge /  Merge down.

19. Ative a ferramenta  varinha mágica: Mode Add / RGB value / Tolerance e Feather 0


Clique no centro da  imagem.

20. Ative a layer do fundo  Raster 1

21. Selections / Promote  selection to layer

22. Layers / Arrange /  Bring to top.

23. Effects / 3D Effects  / Drop shadow: 0 / 0 / 75 / 25. Cor preta.

24. Selections / Select  none

25. Layers /  Duplicate

26. Effects / Plugins /  <I C Net Software> Filters Unlimited 2.0> /
Simple / Left Right  Wrap

27. Layers / Merge /  Merge down.

28. Selections /  Load/save selection / Load selection from disc - aplique a seleção sel-mb --- 2  --- 223

29. Selections / Promote  selection to layer

30. Effects / Plugins /  Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact / Glass / na Aba 

Setting marque Clear

31.  Effects / Texture effects / Blinds: 6 / 50 / cor preto / light from 

left/top  marcado.

31. Ative a raster abaixo - Promoted Selection 1

32. Selections /  Invert.

33. Effects / Plugins / <I C Net Software> Filters  Unlimited 2.0> /
Paper Textures / Cardboard Box Coarse: 128 /  128.

34. Selections / Select none

35. Effects / 3D effects  / Drop shadow: 0 / 0 / 75 / 25. Cor preto.

36. Ative a layer de  fundo - Raster 1

Adjust / Blur / Gaussian  blur / Radius 20.

38. Effects / Distortion  effects / Pixelate: 4 / 11

39.  Effects / Edge effects / Enhance more.

40. Ative a layer do  topo

41. Layers / New Raster  layer

42. Pinte com a cor do  Background.

43. Abra a mask  masque-noisette-berenice.png" e minimize no psp.

44. Layers / New mask layer  / From image - selecione a Mask 


45. Layers / Merge / Merge group.

46. Selections /  load/save selection / load selection from disk - aplique a 
seleção  sel ---- mb  - 3 --- 223.


47. Ative a layer abaixo  de todas - Raster 1.

48. Selections / Promote  selection to layer.

49. Layers / Arrange /  Bring to top.

50. Effects / Plugins /  Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact / Glass / Clear 

como antes.

51. Abra o tube Flower  mb 6

52. Edit / Copy

53. Edit / Paste into  selection na imagem.

54. Selections / Select  none.

55. Effects / 3D effects  / Drop shadow: 0 / 0 / 75 / 25. Cor preta.

56. Layers /  Duplicate.

57. Image / Resize 53%.  Resize all layers desmarcado.

58. Aperte a tecla K  ou ative a ferramenta Pick - configure Position x 

em 120 e Position Y em  56.

59. Aperte a tecla  M para desativar a ferramenta Pick.

60. Adjust / Sharpness /  Sharpen.

61. Effects / 3D effects  / Drop shadow: 0 / 0 / 75 / 25. Cor preta.

62. Image / Add borders  / 1 pixel na cor do foreground.

63. Selections / Select  all.

64. Image / Add borders  / 50 pixels na cor do background.

65. Selections /  Invert.

66. Layers / New raster  layer.

67. Pinte com o  gradiente.

68. Effects / Plugins /  <I C Net Software> Filters Unlimited 2.0> / Simple / 4 way  Average.

69. Adjust / Add/remove  noise / Add noise / Uniform / 20 / Monochrome.

70.  Selections / Invert.

71. Effects / 3D effects  / Drop shadow: 0 / 0 / 75 / 25. Cor preta.

72. Selections / Select  none.

73. Abra o tube   malackatube k194 - Remova amarca dágua.

74. Image / Resize / 82%.  Resize all layers desmarcado.

Adjust / Sharpness /  Sharpen.

75. Edit /  Copy.

76. Edit / Paste as new  layer na imagem.

77. Com a ferramenta  Move posicione o tube para um lugar de seu agrado.

78. Effects / 3D effects /  Drop shadow: 0 / 0 / 75 / 25. Cor preta.

79. Image / Add borders  / 1 pixel na cor do foreground.

80. Assine.

81. Salve como  JPEG.


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