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  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:1513
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  • From:Brazil
  • Register:10/29/2008 10:51 PM

Date Posted:07/14/2019 11:42 PMCopy HTML





Obrigada Animabelle por autorizar a tradução



Material Aqui


Este tutorial é uma criação pessoal de Animabelle

Qualquer semelhança com outro é mera coincidência.



Fantastic Machine
FM Tile Tools
Filter Factory Gallery A
Andrew's Filters 7
Kang 4
Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact
MuRa's Seamless
Graphic Plus





Abra todo material necessário no PSP


Duplique-os e feche os originais


Não esqueça de salvar com frequência seu trabalho





Escolha 4 cores de seus tubes, images, misteds...


Aqui foram escolhidas as seguintes cores


 Cor 1 #f2f2f2 / Cor 2 #cbb8cf / Cor 3 #70507f / Cor 4 #31223b



Fique à vontade para alterar o blend mode e a opacidade da layer, se

necessário, em função das cores usadas.





Coloque as seleções na pasta "Selections" do PSP





Abra uma imagem transparente de 800 x 500 pixels


Coloque no foreground a cor 2 e no background a cor 3 e forme no 

foreground um gradiente Style Linear / Angle 0 / Repeat 1 / Invert




Pinte a imagem com o gradiente


Selections / Select All


Copie e cole na seleção o tube "140_enfant_p2_animabelle"

(Antes remova a marca dágua)


Selections / select none





Adjust / Blur / Radial Blur

Twirl / 60 / 50 / Eliptical marcado / 0 / 0 / 0



Effects / Image Effect / Seamless Tiling

Corner / Bidirectional e Linear marcados: 0 / 0 / 100


Effects / Plugins / Fantastic Machines / PaintEngine



Effects / Plugins / FM Tile Tools / Blend Emboss / Default





Layers / Duplicate


Effects / Plugins / Filter Factory Gallery A / Marble Madness One...

Default settings: 26 / 0 / 0 / 0


Effects / Plugins / Transparency / Eliminate Black


Effects / Geometric Effects / Perspective Horizontal: 97 / Wrap







Layers / Duplicate


Image / Mirror


Layers / Merge / Merge down


Mude o blend mode para "Overlay" - Baixe a opacidade para 30





Layers / New Raster Layer


Pinte com a cor 1


Layers / New mask layer / From a image

Aplique a mask "35bb4877"



Layers / Merge Group


Mude o blend mode para "Overlay" - Baixe a opacidade para 63


Layers / Merge Visible Layers





Layers / Duplicate


Image / Free rotate / 90 degrees / Right e nada mais marcado


Image / Resize / 60%, resize all layers desmarcado


Effects / Image Effect / Seamless Tiling, como antes





Layers / Duplicate


Effects / Plugins / Andrew's Filters 7 / Borders On...

(Default settings)


Mude o blend mode para "Overlay" - Baixe a opacidade para 50


Layers / Merge / Merge down





Effects / Plugins / Toadies / What Are You? / 20 / 20


Mude o blend mode para "Overlay"


Effects / 3D Effect / Drop Shadow: 10 / 10 / 60 / 30 / Preto


Repita o drop shadow com -10 / -10





Layers / New Raster Layer


Pinte a layer com a cor 4 ou preta


Layers / New mask layer / From an image

Aplique a mask "line060123184153996_gros"


Layers / Merge Group


Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance


Layers / Duplicate





Copie e cole como nove layer o tube misted "Misted1_Animabelle"


Mude o blend mode para "Soft Light"


Layers / Arrange / Move down - 2 vezes


Layers / Merge Visible Layers





Ative a ferramenta Selection / Custom selection
Top 0 / Left 281 / Right 519 / Bottom 500



Selections / Promote selection to layer


Adjust / Blur / Gaussian Blur / Radius 55





Layers / Duplicate


Effects / Plugins / Kang 4 / Bubblecross Waves:

214 / 132 / 196 / 211 / 255



Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen more


Selections / select none





Ative a layer abaixo (Promoted selectiom)


Adjust / Blur / Gaussian Blur / Radius 30


Mude o blend mode dessa layer para "Multiply"





Ative a layer de fundo - "Merged"


Selections / Load/Save Selection / Load Selection from Disk

Aplique a seleção "Sel1_Bichette_Animabelle"


Selections / Promote selection to layer


Layers / Arrange / Bring to top


Effects / 3D effect / Inner bevel






Ative layer abaixo "Copy of Promoted Selection"


Selections / Load/Save Selection / Load Selection from Disk

Aplique a seleção "Sel2_Bichette_Animabelle"


Selections / Promote selection to layer


Effects / Plugins / Tramages / Pool Shadow / Default

50  / 50 / 50 / 50 / 50 / 50 / 128 / 128


Mude o blend mode para "Luminance Legacy"


Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen more





Effects / Plugins / Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact / Glass

Aplique o Settings "Clear No Drop Shadow"


Selections / select none


Ative a layer acima


Effects / 3D Effect / Drop Shadow: 7 / 7 / 35 / 5 / Cor 4 ou preta

Marque o quadradinho "Shadow on new layer"


Como está ativa a layer da sombra


Layers / Arrange / Move Down





Ative a layer de fundo - "Merged"


Layers / New Raster Layer


Pinte com a cor 2


Layers / New mask layer / From an image

Aplique a mask "cd4d686d"


Layers / Merge Group





Mude o blend mode para "Hard Light"


Image / Mirror


Effects / Plugins / MuRa's Seamless / Emboss at Alpha / Default:

128 / 128 / 128 / 64 / 255 / 128


Repita o plugin mais uma vez





Ative a ferramenta Selection / Custom selection
Top 308 / Left 718 / Right 800 / Bottom 500



Aperte a tecla "Delete"


Selections / select none


Layers / Merge Visible Layers





Selections / Select All


Layers / New Raster Layer


Effects / 3D effect / Cutout / 0 / 0 / 100 / 45,00 / Cor 4 ou preta



Layers / Duplicate


Selections / select none


Effects / Texture Effect / Fine Leather:

Angle 210 / 55 / 208 / 352 / 3 / Cor 1 ou Branca






Image / Add borders / symmetric / 2 pixels, cor 3


Selections / Select All


Image / Add borders / symmetric / 20 pixels, cor 2


Selections / Invert


Selections / Promote selection to layer


Effects / Plugins / Graphic Plus / Cross Shadow / Default:

 50  / 50 / 50 / 50 / 50 / 50 / 128 / 128


 Mude o blend mode para "Luminance Legacy"


Selections / select none





Image / Add borders / symmetric / 2 pixels, cor 4


Selections / Select All


Image / Add borders / symmetric / 45 pixels, cor 2


Selections / Invert


Selections / Promote selection to layer


Effects / Plugins / Graphic Plus / Cross Shadow - como antes


Mude o blend mode para "Luminance Legacy"





Selections / Invert


Effects / 3D Effect / Drop Shadow: 0 / 0 / 100 / 60 / Cor 4 ou preta

(Desmarque o quadradinho "Shadow on new layer")


Repita o Drop Shadow


Selections / Select none


Image / Mirror


Layers / Merge Visible Layers





Selections / Load/Save Selection / Load Selection from Disk

Aplique a seleção "Sel3_Bichette_Animabelle"


Selections / Promote selection to layer


Eftects / 3D effect / Inner bevel - como antes


Selections / Select none


Posicione no canto superior esquerdo (veja na imagem final)





Effects / Plugins / Simple / Top Left Mirror


Mude o blend mode para "Luminance Legacy" (Opcional)


Effects / 3D Effect / Drop Shadow: 5 / 5 / 50 / 10 / Cor 4 ou preta





Copie e cole como nova layer o "140_enfant_p2_animabelle"


Image / Resize / 40%, resize all layers desmarcado


Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen


Posicione à direita como no modelo final





Layers / Duplicate


Ative a layer abaixo


Adjust / Blur / Gaussian Blur / Radius 30


Mude o blend mode para "Multiply"





Image / Add borders / symmetric / 2 pixels, cor 4


Layers / New Raster Layer


Selections / Load/Save Selection / Load Selection from Disk

Aplique a seleção "Sel4_Bichette_Animabelle"


Pinte a seleção com a cor 4





Layers / New Raster Layer


Layers / Arrange / Move Down


Effects / Plugins / Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact / Blacklight



Baixe a opacidade dessa layer para 34


Selections / select none


Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpness





Layers / New Raster Layer




Layers / Merge All (Flatten)


File / Export / JPEG Optimizer



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